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Faculty (Chemical Biologist/Chemical Ecologist)

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Category: Faculty

Department: Monell Chemical Senses Center

Position Type: Full-Time

The Monell Chemical Senses Center ( is currently seeking a chemical biologist/ecologist. Monell is the world's premier institution devoted to research on the mechanisms and functions of taste, smell, and chemesthesis and their impact on health.

We invite applications for a regular faculty position at all academic levels. The scientist will be expected to launch a laboratory that contributes toward one or more of the Monell strategic research aims ( We desire candidates who combine a fundamental understanding of physiology, immunology, metabolism, or behavior with demonstrated expertise in all facets of quantitative analytical chemistry. We encourage experience at the organismal (e.g. chemical ecology) and/or cellular/molecular (e.g. chemical biology) levels of organization that yield insight into the chemical senses and their roles in chemical communication, nutrition, metabolism, or health.

As principal investigator, the chemical biologist/ecologist will seek external funding and will receive additional support for leading the George Preti Research Support Core for Analytical Chemistry. Approximately 15% effort will be required to direct and expand core capabilities in quantitative analysis. 

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