Womxn in Metabolomics - WomiX
Our Mission: Womxn in Metabolomics (WomiX) was established to promote the professional development and engagement of womxn in Metabolomics by creating a sense of community and providing opportunities for networking and mentorship. WomiX is committed to the advancement of womxn in Metabolomics. All MANA members and allies are welcome to our community regardless of gender!
WomiX was first established in Nov 2019 and was founded by Arpana Vaniya, Ph.D.
Using “womxn” with an “x” to explicitly welcome trans women, transfeminine, genderfluid, and nonbinary participants. Everyone is welcome to join our community!
Follow us on X (Twitter) and LinkedIn to learn more or email us!
Early Career Members - ECM
Early Career Members are vital for MANA, defined to be within 10 years of their highest academic degree. The ECM has organized multiple workshops during the Metabolomics Society conference and the annual MANA conference.
ECM members have received more than 25 travel awards in 2019 and 5 child care grants. At the annual conference, an ECM member received a lecture award; the 2019 award winner was Caroline Johnson. The ECM group elected its first board of directors in the Fall of 2019, chaired by inaugural officers Kehau Hagiwara, Ph.D. (Chair), Yuanyuan Li, Ph.D. (Vice-Chair), Candice Ulmer, Ph.D. (Administrative Officer), and Brianna Garcia, Ph.D. (Financial Officer). The ECM group currently has more than 350 members and will participate in many MANA events each year. ECM is chaired by Gonçalo J. Gouveia, Ph.D. and the vice chair is Nicole Prince, Ph.D.
Spatial Metabolomics/Lipidomics
This interest group is chaired by Leo Cheng. More information coming soon!
Software and Data Exchange (SODA)
This interest group is chaired by Daniel Hitchcock and Yue Wu. The goal of SODA is to provide a community-driven resource of actively maintained software, test datasets used for software benchmarking, and results produced by the software. SODA Meets is a platform where data generators and computational scientists can share their use of software/data.
Are you interested in developing or applying software for processing and analyzing metabolomics data? If you answered "yes", then the MANA Software and Data (SODA) Exchange team would love to hear from you!
During SODAMeets, we will have two speakers present on software or data they would like to share with the community, emphasizing how these software/data are used. Speakers will be requested to fill out our SODA website so that we collect relevant information on the software/data presented.
Follow us on LinkedIn to learn more.
Find papers published by the NMR IG below:
Gouveia, G.J., et al. “Perspective: use and reuse of NMR-based metabolomics data: what works and what remains challenging.” Metabolomics 20.2 (2024): 41; https://doi.org/10.1007/s11306-024-02090-6
Powers, Robert, et al. "Best practices in NMR metabolomics: Current state." TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2023): 117478; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2023.117478
Wishart, D.S., et al. “NMR and Metabolomics—A Roadmap for the Future.“ Metabolites (2022), 12(8), 678; https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo12080678
Metabolomics in Precision Medicine
This interest group is chaired by Rima Kaddurah-Daouk and Timothy Garrett. They had their first workshop during the 1st annual MANA conference, November 15-17, 2019.
Industry Engagement
The Industry Engagement interest group is a platform to establish good working relationships and/or collaborations between researchers and instrument vendors. Access information on best practices, understand how to optimize instrument parameters for metabolomics experiments, implement novel workflows, and address questions about data analysis software. This interest group is chaired by Erica Forsberg.
MANA’s Microbiome Task Group was formed following a successful workshop at the 1st annual MANA meeting in 2019. It aims to facilitate microbiome-focused metabolomics research by providing general guidance on the gold standards in the field and by fostering new networking opportunities for our members across the multidisciplinary scientific communities. We would like to hear from you if you are interested in joining the MANA Microbiome Task Group to focus on and develop topics related to the application of metabolomics in microbiome research. This group is led by Robert A. Quinn and Jiangjiang (Chris) Zhu.
Our seminars occur online on the second Monday of every month at 8 am PT.
The MANA NMR interest group is a collection of scientists with mutual interests in advancing and promoting the use of NMR in metabolomics inquiries. We seek to advance and promote the inclusion of NMR metabolomics in an XCMS-dominated world, educate and provide training resources in the application of NMR metabolomics to the broader community, solicit community involvement and contributions, advance functional NMR metabolomics with nontraditional workflows, and build community consensus concerning experimental and computational parameters that influence the quality of NMR based metabolomics, best-practices for metabolite identification and quantitation, and appropriate application of statistical tools to interrogate NMR and NMR-hybrid datasets. This group is being led by Robert Powers and Valerie Copie. For details, on the policy for the NMR Interest Group click here.
Would you like to start a MANA Interest Group?
For more information click here on how to start.
If you have more questions email us at mana@metabolomicsna.org
Metabolomics Cores Interest Group
Metabolomics core facilities across North America (NA) play a pivotal role in promoting science and technology as well as community education. Currently, there are 92 metabolomics centers and cores in NA each with its exceptionally talented and multidisciplinary workforce. This interest group, led by Maryam Goudarzi, was assembled to promote leadership and mentorship skills among our members, navigate common challenges and barriers faced amongst core groups, and facilitate communication for MANA core members. If you are interested in joining the Metabolomics Cores Interest Group and leading core-centric initiatives please contact us.