MANA Membership

New Membership System

MANA is launching a new membership system in the Fall of 2024!

Members who have already registered for the 2024 conference in the recent weeks or who have officially joined over the summer do not need to register again.  All others, please renew your membership now by clicking on the “Become a Member” on the top right-hand side of this page. It only takes 5 minutes!

We hope you are enjoying your MANA membership and that you would like to continue to be part of our Association. If you have any feedback or questions about the new system, please reach out to our MANA Secretary, Dr. Dajana Vuckovic at

Basic Information on Membership

  • Membership is free until end of year: Click "Become a Member" on the top right-hand side of this page. It only takes 5 minutes!

  • Create a New Account: Your old login info will not work. Please create a new username and password.

  • Access Your Existing Account: if you wish to access, change, or renew your profile, please click here.

  • Membership types: Regular (any scientist) and Early-Career (within 10 years of terminal degree)

  • Benefits of the new system:

    • Update your profile.

    • Opt into our Interest Groups (IGs).

    • Vote for and nominate candidates for our 2024 election of new Directors.

    • Opt into MANA emails and quarterly newsletter.

    • Apply for awards.

    • Additional functionality/features will be announced in the future as they become available.

  • Special reminder for members employed in Core Facilities: Choose "Core Lab" when joining to be eligible for MANA awards reserved for staff and professionals who work in Cores. 

  • Join by November: This mailing list will be active until the end of November.  After that date, you will stop receiving our mailings unless you are have renewed your MANA membership.  Join or renew now to make sure you don't miss future updates!

Follow us:

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