Grants, Awards, & Fellowships

Candidates may compete for multiple awards. Please submit applications to by the designated deadline, and include the award name and title in the subject line.

Application-based awards

Current Awards:

Open to all MANA Members:

  • Award amount: up to $500 reimbursement per awardee

    Number of awards: 2

    Deadline: August 16, 2024

    Description: MANA ECM is committed to promoting equitable access to MANA 2024 for MANA members with child and/or adult dependent care responsibilities. To facilitate this goal, MANA ECM is offering a Dependent Care Grant to defray the cost of dependent care services for eligible applicants attending MANA 2024. This grant is intended to support the MANA 2024 conference in Tampa, FL, October 21-24, 2024 and attendance is required. Each grant includes $500 and a certificate; only a limited number of grants will be given and will be awarded on a first come first serve basis. This award is sponsored by the ECM committee.


    • Must be a MANA member (all members are welcome to apply)

    • Attendance is required to the MANA 2024 conference in Tampa, FL, October 21-24, 2024

    Who qualifies as a dependent?

    A dependent is defined as 1) a minor 12 years of age or younger who resides with the applicant and for whom the applicant provides primary support, or 2) a person regardless of age who spends at least eight hours per day in the applicant’s home and for whom the applicant has care responsibilities.

    Eligible expenses that can be covered up to a maximum of $500:

    • Airfare for a caregiver (e.g., family member, au pair, nanny, sitter) to fly to the conference location to assist with dependent care.

    • Airfare for dependent traveling to the conference. Note: dependent does not need to attend the conference in order to receive the grant.

    • Costs for dependent care at the conference (e.g., onsite babysitting, daycare or elder care service local to the conference venue)

    • Costs for additional dependent care at home incurred due to member’s absence during the conference (e.g., caregiver’s labor, before and after school or extended day programs, late pick-up fees, daycare centers, custodial child care / elder care, or expenses for care of elderly or other family members that the applicant usually provides)

    • The cost of shipping breastmilk for a child at home while the member travels for the conference.

    • Other reasonable expenses will be considered. Please reach out directly if you have an expense that does not fit into these categories but you would like to be considered. Email us at

    Application process:

    • MANA members are limited to one (1) dependent care grant per family per conference

    • To apply, complete and submit the online application form before the Deadline: August 16, 2024

    Reimbursement Requests:

    • The grant funds will be awarded after the conference is completed.

    • While receipts are not required upon submission of the application, they must be submitted to the MANA Treasurer within one month of the end of the conference. If you have proof of cost beforehand please submit them with the application. All expenses must be justified with proof of cost (receipts, attestment document, etc.).

Early Career Awards:

  • Award amount: $1000

    Number of awards:1

    Deadline: Oral Deadline - July 19, 2024

    Description:The MANA Early Career Award is a competitive award for the most accomplished Early Career Members. We encourage members whose work has exhibited exceptional novelty or has pushed the boundaries of metabolomics, or whose early career efforts, after obtaining a PhD, MD, or MD-PhD, have resulted in sustained, substantial, and noteworthy contributions to the field, to apply for the MANA Early Career Award. The winner will be selected to give an oral presentation at the conference.

    Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

    • Be within ten years of a terminal degree

    • Conduct metabolomics research in North America

    • Attend the MANA 2024 conference

    • Present at the MANA 2024 conference

    • Eligible to receive this award one time

    Evaluation approach: To be considered by MANA Award Committee please submit

    • Your conference abstract

    • Your current CV (5 page max, award-relevant content)

    • A brief description of your accomplishments and impact of your work (250 word maximum)

    • A letter of recommendation sent directly to with subject line ‘Letter of rec for applicant name and award title’

  • Award amount: $1000

    Number of awards: 1

    Deadline: Oral Deadline - July 19, 2024

    Description: The Mark P. Styczynski Award is a competitive award for an Early Career Member who has demonstrated significant accomplishment in computational metabolomics. We encourage members whose work has exhibited exceptional novelty and innovation in computational metabolomics, or whose early career efforts have resulted in sustained, substantial, and noteworthy contributions to the field, to apply for the Mark P. Styczynski Award. The winner will be selected to give a talk at the conference.

    Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

    • Be within ten years of a terminal degree

    • Conduct metabolomics research in North America

    • Attend the MANA 2024 conference

    • Present at the MANA 2024 conference

    • Eligible to receive this award one time

    Evaluation approach:To be considered by MANA Award Committee please submit

    • Your conference abstract

    • Your current CV (5 page max, award-relevant content)

    • A brief description of your accomplishments and impact of your work (250 word maximum)

    • A letter of recommendation sent directly to with subject line ‘Letter of rec for applicant name and award title’

  • Award amount: $1,200

    Number of awards: 3 postdocs, 3 grad students, 3 Core facility personnel

    Deadline: Poster deadline - August 16, 2024

    Description: MANA Early Career Travel Award recognizes early-career members whose current metabolomics research displays a high level of distinction. The Travel award is a competitive award based on research excellence, abstract quality and a personal statement. The awards will be selected through a rigorous review process by the Awards committee. This award is sponsored by the ECM committee.

    Eligibility criteria:

    • MANA member within ten years of a terminal degree

    • Attend the MANA 2024 conference

    • Be the presenting author on a submitted abstract

    • Research must be completed at an institution in North America

    • Allowed one travel award per year. Cannot receive award two consecutive society conferences in a row (e.g. MANA 2023 and MANA 2024)

    Evaluation approach: To be considered by MANA Award Committee please submit

    • Application Form

    • Provide a copy of the submitted abstract

    • Your current CV (5 page max, award-relevant content)

    • Please provide a brief (300 words or less) description of your academic achievements, future career perspectives, and financial need to attend MANA 2024.

  • Award amount:$1000 toward a course in leadership

    Number of awards:1

    Nomination Deadline:Two weeks prior to the Poster deadline - August 2, 2024

    Application Deadline: Poster deadline - August 16, 2024

    Description: This is a nominated award, either by mentor, colleague, or self. Send your nomination, including full name, institution and email address to two weeks prior to the Poster deadline. Nominees will be notified over email and required to submit the full application by Poster deadline to be considered for the award. The purpose of this award is to recognize the contributions and promote the leadership skills of a service core researcher/scientist who pursues a leadership role in a metabolomics service core. MANA will contribute up to $1000 in attendance cost toward a leadership course/workshop of the winner’s choice within 18 months of the award date.

    Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

    • Hold a PhD, MD or MD-PhD

    • Hold a current position in a metabolomics service core facility in North America

    • Attend the MANA 2024 conference

    • Present at the MANA 2024 conference (poster or oral)

    • Eligible to receive this award one time

    Evaluation approach: To be considered by MANA Award Committee please submit

    • Your submitted abstract

    • Your current CV (5 page max, award-relevant content)

    • A brief description of how this award will help you advance your career as a leader in a service core. Please highlight any relevant experience or past honors that you may have (250 word maximum)

    • Provide description and cost of intended leadership course for which MANA will reimburse up to $1000 of the attendance cost

Past Awards in 2024:

  • Award amount: $2,000

    Number of awards: 1

    Deadline: April 3, 2024

    Description: MANA is offering an early career member travel award to attend Metabolomics 2024 in Osaka, Japan, June 16-20, 2024 and present research that highlights metabolomics and/or lipidomics. The travel award is a competitive award based on research that displays a high level of distinction, abstract quality and a personal statement. The award will be selected through a review process by the MANA Awards Committee. The award includes $2,000 and a certificate; One (1) award will be given

    Eligibility criteria:

    ● MANA member within ten years of a terminal degree

    ● Must attend and present at Metabolomics 2024

    ● Conduct metabolomics research in North America

    ● Allowed one travel award per year. Cannot receive award two consecutive society conferences in a row (e.g. Metabolomics 2023 and Metabolomics 2024)

    Application requirements (single pdf):

    ● Provide a copy of the submitted abstract

    ● Your current CV (5 page max, award-relevant content)

    ● Please provide a brief (300 words or less) justification for why you deserve the award, including how the award could uniquely enable you to attend Metabolomics 2024 and any indications of your academic and professional excellence

    Travel Grant Instructions Application Form Judging Rubric

    The MANA ECM Travel Grant provides financial support to offset costs of travel or registration fees for professional conferences. This funding enables early career scientists the opportunity to present their research at prestigious conferences and gain valuable networking experience. Please help us support the MANA ECM by encouraging their application.

  • Award amount: $1000

    Number of awards: 1

    Deadline: February 8, 2024

    Description: The WomiX organizing committee is seeking nominations for the 2024 WomiX Mentorship Award. This award will honor a womxn in metabolomics that has demonstrated strong mentorship and leadership skills and has made a large impact on other researchers in their field.

    Eligibility criteria for nomination:

    1) Any woman/womxn MANA member or WomiX member may be nominated! Collective nominations for a mentor are also encouraged!

    2) Any MANA member or WomiX member may nominate someone for the mentorship award. Self-nominations are also encouraged!

    3) The nominee should be an outstanding womxn who has demonstrated mentorship and leadership skills in the metabolomics community.

    4) The nominee must work in the field of metabolomics.

    5) The nominee does not need to be part of a formal mentorship program.

    Award information: The recipient of this year’s award will receive a cash award and a commemorative plaque to recognize the awardee’s achievements as an inspiring mentor to the metabolomics community.

    Evaluation approach: To consdiered for this award please submit your nomination application here:

    If you have any questions please reach out to

Presentation-based awards

Apply to these awards with conference registration. Registration template should include a check box for each presentation-based award.

  • Award amount: $200

    Number of awards: 2

    Deadline: Registration by August 16, 2024

    Description: The Lightning Talk award is a competitive award for an Early Career Member who succinctly and effectively describes the essence and impact of their scientific research within a short talk. Talks are a total of 5 minutes (4 min talk with 1 min Q&A). Presenters are determined by abstract quality judged by the conference scientific organizing committee.

    Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

    • Be within ten years of their most recent degree

    • Conduct metabolomics research in North America

    • Submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation

    • Those receiving an oral presentation will not be eligible for a Lightning Talk

    • Attend the MANA 2024 conference

    • Present a Lightning Talk at the MANA 2024 conference

    • Those receiving this award will not be eligible for a poster award

    Evaluation approach:

    • Abstract review by MANA SOC committee

    • Rigorous presentation review by MANA conference judges

    • Winners will be announced during the conference closing remarks

  • Award amount:$100

    Number of awards: 3 postdocs

    Deadline: Registration by Poster Deadline - August 16, 2024

    Description:The Best Poster award is a competitive award for an Early Career Member who clearly and enthusiastically describes the scientific merit of their research. Awards are based on effective visual and oral presentation, quality of research, and depth of understanding.

    Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

    • Be within ten years of their most recent degree

    • Conduct metabolomics research in North America

    • Attend the MANA 2024 conference

    • Present a Poster at the MANA 2024 conference

    Evaluation approach:

    • Rigorous review by MANA conference judges

    • Winners will be announced during the conference closing remarks

  • Award amount:$100

    Number of awards: 3 grad students

    Deadline: Registration by Poster Deadline - August 16, 2024

    Description:The Best Poster award is a competitive award for an Early Career Member who clearly and enthusiastically describes the scientific merit of their research. Awards are based on effective visual and oral presentation, quality of research, and depth of understanding.

    Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

    • Be within ten years of their most recent degree

    • Conduct metabolomics research in North America

    • Attend the MANA 2024 conference

    • Present a Poster at the MANA 2024 conference

    Evaluation approach:

    • Rigorous review by MANA conference judges

    • Winners will be announced during the conference closing remarks

  • Award amount:$100

    Number of awards: 1 undergrad

    Deadline: Registration by Poster Deadline - August 16, 2024

    Description:The Best Poster award is a competitive award for an Early Career Member who clearly and enthusiastically describes the scientific merit of their research. Awards are based on effective visual and oral presentation, quality of research, and depth of understanding.

    Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

    • Be within ten years of their most recent degree

    • Conduct metabolomics research in North America

    • Attend the MANA 2024 conference

    • Present a Poster at the MANA 2024 conference

    Evaluation approach:

    • Rigorous review by MANA conference judges

    • Winners will be announced during the conference closing remarks

  • Award amount: $500

    Number of awards: 2

    Description: This award is available to MANA members who hold a position in a service core and will present (poster or oral) at MANA 2024 under one of the scientific themes of the conference.

    Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

    • Hold a current position in a metabolomics service core facility in North America

    • Hold a bachelors, masters, or doctoral degree

    • Attend the conference

    • Present at the conference. At least 50% of the presented work must have been completed in a metabolomics service core in North America

    Evaluation approach: To be considered by MANA Award Committee please,

    • Specify your intention to compete for this award during conference registration

    • Winner will be announced during the conference closing remarks.

Previous MANA Awardees

The MANA awards and grants have been celebrated as far back as 2018 when the first group of recipients were recognized at the MetSoc 2018 in Seattle, WA. View the history of MANA’s award winners here:

  • 2023 - Oana Zeleznik, Ph.D., Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Associate Epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital

    Award given for her outstanding contributions to the field of LC-MS & NMR-based metabolomics, specifically in bridging data science with molecular epidemiology to advance our understanding of chronic diseases, including ovarian carcinogenesis.

    2022 - Tao Huan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia.

    Award given for his work in the development of analytical and bioinformatics tools for improving data acquisition and analysis of LC-MS-based metabolomics

    2021 - Robert Quinn, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University

    Award given for his work in given for impact and work in microbiome understanding, specifically in the identification of new bile acid conjugates, Cystic Fibrosis, and coral reef management.

    2020 - Sophia Lunt Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Michigan State University

    Award given for her work in understanding the role of metabolism in supporting cancer proliferation, heterogeneity, and metastasis.

  • 2023 - Gayatri Iyer, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan

    2022 - Sadjad Fakouri-Baygi, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

    2021 - Aleksandr Smirnov, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

  • 2023 - Khyati Pathak, Ph.D., Head of Metabolomics, Translational Genomics Research Institute

    2022 - Armando Alcázar Magaña, Ph.D., Metabolomics Project Manager, University of British Columbia

  • MANA 2023 Annual Conference, October 2-27, 2023

    Erik Andersson / Nicole Bruce / Oluwatobi Fijabi / Jasmine Gill / Stephanie Bishop / Gayatri Iyer / Ipsita Mohanty / Silvia Radenkovic / Simone Zuffa / Michael Eze

    MANA 2022 Annual Conference, September 16-18, 2022

    Stephanie Bishop / Le Chang / Thomas Velenosi / Armando Alcázar Magaña / Jasmeen Kaur / Janice Ou / Alberto Valdés / Abhishek Jain / Alexandra Crook / Nicole Prince / Wasim Sandhu / Khyati Mehta / Oladimeji Aladelokun / John Bouranis / Hong Yan

    MANA 2019 Annual Conference, November 15-17, 2019

    Chatthuri Mohottige / Gayatri Iyer / Marc McCann / Yunjin Wang / Jiangjiang Zhu / Shama Naz / Casey Chamberlain / Clayton Kranawetter / Rachel Kelly / Dania Malik / Sarah Gisewhite / Mario Uchimiya / Hani Habra / Huan Jin / David Crizer / Kia Adams / Robert Stanley / Oana Zeleznik / Jacob Kempa / Shyamchan Mayengbam

    MANA 2019 Summer Symposium, September 04, 2019, Davis, CA

    Presha Rajbhandari / Isin Tuna Sakallioglu / Manoj Khadka / Guddadarangavva Jayaprakasha / Daniel Lin / Hansani Karunarathne / Suh Joonhyuk

    Metabolomics 2024 Osaka, Japan, June 16-20, 2024 (1 award, $2000)

    Helena Mannochio Russo

    Metabolomics 2023 Niagara Falls, Canada, June 18-22, 2023 (4 awards: 2 postdocs, 2 grad students, $800)

    Emily Hill / Sandi Azab / Maribel Okiye / Kieran Tarazona Carrillo

    Metabolomics 2018 Seattle, WA, June 24-28, 2018

    Jun Zhou / Sandi Azab / Mai Yamamoto / Jeremey Winders / Jacquelyn Walejko

    8th Lipidomics Forum/ 2nd International Lipidomics Society Conference, Vienna, Austria, August 27-30, 2023 (1 award, $2000)

    Adriana Zardini Buzatto

  • MANA 2023


    • Erika Palmieri, NCI

    • Stephanie Momeni, Oregon Health and Science 

    • Sonam Tamrakar, Michigan State University

    • Kayla Getz, Washington U in St. Louis

    • Prasanna Kumaara, Buck Inst. for Res. on Aging

    Graduate Students:

    • Jessica Deutsch, Georgia Tech

    • Pawanjit Kaur Sandhu, University of BC

    • Darcy Cochran, University of Neb- Lincoln

    • Harini Sridharan, Georgia Tech

    • Micah Jeppesen, University of Neb- Lincoln


    • Lara Stefani, University of Missouri

    MANA 2022


    • Jasmeen Kaur, University of BC

    • Mehdi Mohammadi Ashani, University of Calgary

    • Erika Palmieri, NCI

    • Nadia Ashrafi, William Beaumount Health

    • Abshishek Jain, Yale

    Graduate Students:

    • Kyle Spencer, Natl Cntr Adv Trans Sc

    • Khyati Mehta, Cincinnati Children’s

    • Michal Lazarek, University of Alberta

    • Thomas Head, University of BC

    • Yongseok Kim, Ohio State University


    • Ewenet Mesfin, University of Alberta

    • Abby Kropielnicki, University of Alberta

    MANA 2021


    • Yuanyue Li, UC Davis

    • Elena Legrand, McGill University

    • Dorsa Varshavi, University of Alberta

    • Armando Alcázar Magaña, Oregon State University

    • Lisaura Maldonado-Pereira, Michigan State University

    Graduate Students:

    • Russell Fling, Michigan State University

    • Nathan Stevens, UC Davis

    • Alexandra Cheney, Montana State University

    • Yue Han, Georgia Tech University

    • Nick Rigel, Ohio State University


    • Ya-Chun Chan, University of Alberta

    • Jerry Chen, UNC Charlotte

    MANA 2020

    • Casey Chamberlain

    • Russell Fling

    • Manuel Garcia-Jaramillo

    • Kehau Hagiwara

    • Clayton Kranawetter

    • Ken Liu

    • Felicity Nielson

    • Hannah Parks

    • Markace Rainey

    • Shao Thing Teoh

  • MANA 2023

    • Jessica Deutsch, Georgia Institute of Technology

    • Harini Sridharan, Georgia Institute of Technology

    MANA 2022

    • Ian Han, University of Calgary

    • Lauren Bishop, University of California, Davis

    MANA 2021

    • Xinyu Fu, Michigan State University

    • Matthias Klein, Ohio State University

    MANA 2020

    • Arpana Vaniya, University of California, Davis

    • Mark McCann, University of Michigan

    MANA 2019

    • Arpana Vaniya, University of California, Davis

    • Name, Institution

  • MANA 2023

    • Poster: Rupasri Mandal, University of Alberta, TMIC

    • Oral: Uri Keshet, University of California, Davis, West Coast Metabolomics Center

    MANA 2022

    • Poster: Renny Lan, University of Arkansas, Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center

    • Oral: Shuang Zhao, University of Alberta, TMIC

    MANA 2021

    • Poster: Wasim Sandhu, University of California-Davis, West Coast Metabolomics Center

    • Oral: Brady Anderson, University of Michigan, Biomedical Research Core Facilities Metabolomics Core

  • MANA 2024 - Assistant Prof. Rachel Kelly, Channing Division of Network Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School

    MANA 2023 - Associate Prof. Caroline Johnson, Yale Univeristy

    MANA 2022 - Prof. Susan Murch, University of British Columbia

Call for sponsors

MANA is a very young association, and we heavily rely on support by our institutional, individual and corporate members. Please contact us if you would like to sponsor further awards and travel grants.

Eligibility and Information

  • Candidates may compete for multiple awards.

  • MANA will seek a balance of support across research groups, institutions and awardee demographic diversity. The Awards Committee holds the right to decline the offer of an award if the applicant pool does not meet expectations and eligibility requirements.

  • The Awards Committee shall intend to offer awards across a breadth of applicants, unless it is deemed clearly obvious that a sole awardee is deserving of multiple awards.

  • Members of the MANA Annual Conference Scientific Organizing Committee are not eligible for awards.