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MANA 2024 Early Registration Deadline

The 6th Annual MANA Conference, hosted by Drs. Tim Garrett and John Koomen will be held Oct 21-24th, 2024 in Tampa Florida. 

  • Early Registration Deadline: August 30th, 2024

  • This year, we look forward to hearing from our plenary speakers Drs. Tao Huan, Oliver Fiehn, Gina DeNicola, Patricia Scaraffia, and Julia Laskin will discuss their state-of-the-art work in the field.  The agenda also includes sessions that cover a broad range of topics including but not limited to new technologies and methodologies, standards & quality,  environment & ecology, and AI/ML computational tools.  MANA also continues to partner with the International Lipidomics Society (ILS) this year and will hold a special session on Lipids & Lipidomics.  In addition to these talks and sessions, the agenda includes interactive workshops, special events from our Early Career Member Interest Group, and much more.  Check out the MANA 2024 Conference website for the latest news on the conference, awards, traveling logistics, and links to our MANA sponsors, including Sciex, Bruker, ThermoFisher, Agilent, and IROA Technologies.

  • Please check The 6th Annual MANA Conference website for more details:

August 19

International Sessions in Metabolomics & Exposome Studies 2024

September 12

Bits & Bites #06: Using the GNPS for Metabolomics Data Analysis and Visualizations