SODAMeets is a platform where data generators and computational scientists can share their use of software/data. For each meeting, we will have two speakers present on software or data they would like to share with the community, emphasizing how these software/data are used. Speakers will be requested to fill out our SODA website so that we collect relevant information on these software/data presented.
Sign up here if you are interested in presenting at SODAMeets!
Apr. 9, 2024 at 2:30 pm ET:
Presenter: Dr. Troy Ferland, ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow at EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD)
Presentation Title: EPA’s NTA WebApp Replication Experiment: A cost-benefit analysis of NTA study design
Presenter: Dr. Simone Zuffa, UC San Diego
Presentation Title: microbeMASST: a taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data
Zoom link: Message
We are always looking for volunteers and presenters! If you would like to:
Volunteer: email
Present at a Meetup or Workshop:
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